Monday, January 23, 2017

A Complete Bust

The past few days have been a complete bust.  I suppose that's not exactly true, but since Thursday I haven't quite been on the ball.  The Stoics would say that these sorts of things happen to all of us and that I should just get on getting on - so that's what I'm going to do.

I hope to have a relatively active day where I meet or exceed the majority of my goals.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Lack of Discipline and a Desire for Candy

At the friends meeting today, I realized something about myself that I dwelt on during the drive home.  We live in a world of candy.  We're surrounded by sweet distracting tastes and we're used to being distracted by one feeling or another.  I am.  I don't want that.

I also realized that I lack discipline.  I want to control the world around me, rather than controlling the world inside me.  I'd like to change that, however hard it may be.  It's a project work my time.

I wonder if that's what Socrates meant when he said, "know thyself."  We can know so many things, but if we are strangers to ourselves, if we lack self-control, it gains us very little.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Another Day

I needed to indulge a little yesterday.
I over indulged.

I need to find something to do for when I've overworked that doesn't involve eating.

It also shouldn't involve reading, writing, or watching TV, which usually leads to eating and drinking.

I can't be music either, because that tends to hype me up.

Still, it ought to be something mindless.

I'd like to make up something on the spot, but I'm at a loss.  

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Arguing is Time Wasted

I just spent about 25 minutes of my time arguing with my dad about religion.  He's confident that he understands the Bible better than I do.  I don't care about that, but it's difficult to know how to approach the situation.  On one hand, I don't want to ignore him.  I don't want to lie and pretend that I believe what he does.  But I also don't want to discuss it with him because there's simply no point.  He doesn't understand the arguments.  I think the best course of action is simply to not talk to my dad about religion.

Aside from that I had a largely productive day.  It was the best lift day in a long time.  I wrote plenty and accomplished a lot having to do with work.  So, all very good.  I even mostly kept my calm talking to my dad and dealing with other frustrations during the day.  Oh, and my dad was the only person I argued with, and believe me - I saw a lot of nonsense online today.  The crazy is boiling over.

Took it Slow

I took it slow this morning, but not too slow.  I've gotten a fair amount done today.  More than anything I've been peacefully excited.  Happy.  It's been nice.  I found out that it won't be too long before I'm back in Detroit.  It's almost happening too quickly.  I'm excited about the blog.  I finally almost know what I'm doing.  And it's good.

I'll continue to work hard today and hopefully get a decent amount done.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Worn out in a Good Way

It would be a healthy thing to take a day and just relax.  I'm almost enjoying myself too much.
I ran almost 8 miles this morning, the first time I've run that far since at least October.  I studied up on Quakerism.  I did plenty with my blog, opened a Twitter account, wrote and edited posts and even wrote a script for my first podcast.  I also did plenty around the house including cleaning out the spare bedroom so that Dan and I have a place to record.  At the same time, I've not been completely absent from Sarah and Alex.  Sarah's not feeling well.  She's sick and also stressed because she has a test tomorrow.  She's been studying all day.  When she's been irritable, I've kept my calm.  It's hard to say how difficult for me this is sometimes.  I can be emotionally petty.  I'm working on it.  Maybe, I'll do 15-20 more minutes of work and then stretch while I read some of the devotionals that Roya gave me.

Dawn of a New Day!

I picked the title because I literally woke up as the sun was rising :P.
I feel good this morning.  I accidentally started working as I was sipping my coffee, long before the fog had begun to lift from my mind.  I love what I'm doing right now and I can only hope that it goes well enough to provide a source of income.  Even if it doesn't, doing it for a few months will be a source of joy for me.  I'll learn a lot too.

I'm going to get on the treadmill in a little bit here.  With luck, I'll run seven miles today, maybe more.

As the day goes on, I'm going to try to be active and productive while keeping a joyful loving attitude.  We'll see how it goes.